On March 4th, Graham Builders will resume its free monthly “Building Your Home For Life” seminars at the Honolulu Country Club. Graham Builders’ last in-person event was held in March 2020, just before the pandemic forced the end of most public gatherings....
The word “home” means different things to different people. As our lifestyles change constantly, so do the activities and tasks we perform in our homes. And for many reasons, it is helpful to have spaces in our homes that can change and evolve, too. “Truly flexible...
Sharing a kitchen with other people can be quite challenging when their cooking styles and habits don’t quite complement your own. And sharing a kitchen with one or more close family members can be downright maddening. “Perhaps you live in a multi-generational...
For many homeowners, the words “dream kitchen” evoke tantalizing images. Some dream of bright, expansive spaces equipped with all the latest gadgets. Others imagine cozy, super-efficient kitchens, built for accessibility and functionality. But the quality that most...
While many older homes have undeniable charms, they weren’t always built to take advantage of the natural gifts of their surroundings. That was certainly the case with a home Graham Builders rebuilt for a Pauoa family this past year. Created in 1958, the original...